“Homes for Ukraine proves how broken our housing market really is”

As we approach six months since the Home for Ukraine scheme was introduced by the government, RAMP Principal Olivia Blake MP writes in the Independent Voices about the problems around safe and secure accommodation for Ukrainians and other refugees, against the backdrop of a broken housing market.

Highlighting that more than a 1000 Ukrainians have already registered as homeless since February and pointing to estimates of up to 50.000 people becoming homeless in the next year, Olivia Blake MP discusses the systemic issues affecting housing in the UK; she outlines both the problems with exorbitantly long waits for social housing and the barriers that prevent many UK residents, and most acutely refugees, from renting in the private rental market.

She argues for urgent action from the government to help refugees face the barriers to access the privately rented market and, in the longer term, build more social and affordable housing to address the root causes of the current housing crisis.

Read full article (external website)


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