“The government’s shameful, invasive treatment of LGBTQ+ refugees shows why we still need Pride”

As celebrations for Pride spread throughout the country, in an article for ‘Pink News’, RAMP Principal and Sheffield Hallam MP Olivia Blake takes the occasion to shed light on the hardships faced by LGBTQ+ people in the asylum system; from having to ‘prove’ their sexuality in asylum applications (often after having spent years hiding their sexual orientation for fear of persecution in their home countries), to the the additional trauma and risks of self-harm that this group is known to be facing in detention centres across the UK while awaiting for the outcome of their application. Olivia Blakes concludes that UK policy makers cannot congratulate themselves on how far they have come compared to other countries if they do not improve the asylum system for LGBTQ+ people.

Read full article (external website)


“Has this government learnt nothing from what happened to Mo Farah?”


“I went to Calais and witnessed our government's cruel approach to immigration policy first hand”